INDEPENDENT Dependents: Here, We Build A Community of Thriving MilSpouse Entrepreneurs! Get Started Now

Are you a MilSpouse but feel like you've


Walking in His Shadow & Suffering in Silence?

We believe in purpose, fulfillment and financial freedom for Military Spouses.  In order to bring balance in your military marriage, we help you reclaim your identity and sanity by welcoming you with open arms into our community and using our comprehensive support, tools and resources to turn your passion, idea or expertise into a thriving PCS proof business!

Are you a MilSpouse but feel like you've


Walking in His Shadow & Suffering in Silence?

We believe in purpose, fulfillment and financial freedom for Military Spouses.  In order to bring balance in your military marriage, we help you reclaim your identity and sanity by welcoming you with open arms into our community and using our comprehensive support, tools and resources to turn your passion, idea or expertise into a thriving PCS proof business!

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MY GIFT TO YOU: The Home-Front Hustle Roadmap

Click The Button Below And Give Me Your Best Email Address To Get <The Home-Front Hustle Roadmap> It's the ultimate GPS to help you accelerate your expertise, gifts, talents and hobbies into a successful online business.

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Toria Demps

She might as well have burned her business degree because it became evident after applying for countless jobs --- no one wanted to hire her after learning she was a Military Spouse that would move every 2-5 years.  

Imagine the shame of being overqualified for jobs but taking them anyway to have some type of income status.  

So due to her own hair-loss, she created her 1st business over 10 years ago customizing cranial prosthesis for cancer patients and clients with severe hair-loss annnnnnd she made it PCS proof.

But  in 2017 she had a vision to circle back and help military spouses reclaim their identity and do the same with a book she was destined to write as she even wrote down the chapters.   Now, 7 years later it's coming to fruition with the book launching soon in 2024.

After being a military spouse for over 20 years her retired husband had a retirement check which was great but...she had sacrificed so much working behind the scenes to support him and ended up with a chopped and screwed resume and playing catch up to retire one day as well.

While interviewing so many military spouses, they expressed how much they needed this as it would change the trajectory of military culture!  Toria is using her knowledge, expertise and business plan of tried and true systems to help military spouses start now so that they can combat depression, anxiety, financial and marital woes that result from marrying military!

What you have become & What you are feeling



How often...

  • Do you feel like... there's a heavy weight on your shoulders managing all of the behind the scenes stuff
  • Does it seem... you are living in his world and walking in his shadow
  • Are you frustrated that... the resentment won't go away...your marriage is hanging on by a thread
  • And when it comes down to it, do you...  feel there is more to being a military spouse, want to have financial freedom with an online business but don't know how to do it without wasting time and money that you don't have





"Her commitment to honesty is what sets her apart; I met Toria almost 20 years ago, and since then, she has become my go to person for sound advice with my business ideas but also while going through a difficult divorce, Toria offered support talking me out of many bad decisions. I love that despite coming from different corners of the world with different cultural/spiritual backgrounds, she continues to inspire me in so many ways. Her commitment to honesty, even when it's not what I might prefer to hear, is what sets her apart making her my ultimate cheerleader and a reminder of God's greatness. To whoever reads this, I hope you too can experience a mentor like Toria throughout your lifetime!"

TOUTY BASSE- (FulaniLush.Com) Phoenix, AZ


"She pushes me out of my comfort zone;  Toria has been a wonderful coach and mentor to me. She pushes me out of my comfort zone and into my purpose.  She listens to all my business ideas, even my concerns and then finds a way to help me execute.  Having a neurodivergent client is challenging and not everyone is graced to handle.  I can confidently say she is patient with me and graced for this. It's an honor to have her lead and guide me in the areas of business and life."

DOMINQUE BRYANT- (Professional MUA) San Antonio, TX


"You won't regret it; I absolutely loved that Toria was so easy to talk to; I actually felt like I knew her. The biggest breakthrough I got after speaking with her was clarity. I knew exactly what I needed to do, and I was extremely excited about getting started. If you're thinking about working with Toria Demps, I would say definitely go for it. If you're serious about growing your business, moving on to the next phase, or need clarity, schedule a consultation. I'm very glad I did. I know I can move forward now; feeling confident and happy that I know what I need to do for my business. You won't regret it."

LATOYA- (Military Veteran) Atlanta, GA

Elite Essentials

Prime Pick Powerhouse

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Top Secrets To A Successful Digital Product

Ready to rock the digital world? I'm sharing ALL THE SECRETS, tips, and tricks in my framework I use and teach students all over the world.  Get ready to discover what you need to cover in your training/course so that your market is ready to buy!

In this training, you will learn:

  • ​Powerful techniques so you can take the guesswork out of it and move forward with creating your 1st or next best course/training immediately (frfr💪🏽)
  • Proven Strategy with successful examples of how you can have a product created in 5-15 min and ready to sell as an 8 year old can do it (no b.s.🙅🏽‍♀️)
  • ​Game Changer Secrets that may reveal a course/training you already have stored in your phone...ready to launch that ish...go to bed and wake up to notifications/deposits (iykyk🙌🏽)

Launching SOON!

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Build Your Business Value Ladder (BVL)

What does major companies from Apple  to HelloFresh to Starbucks and even Uber all have in common...they smartly created a BVL that benefits both business and customer and so will you!

Inside this training, you will discover:

  • ​What keeps clients happily- virtually swiping their credit cards for your products and services.  This works for any type of business💳
  • How easy it is to create your BVL.  Google and AI can't simplify and teach you the specifics like we will💡
  • ​A 6 figure year is attainable without hustling, burnout and selling your soul. If you build it right (BVL), they will come (clients) guaranteed🎰

Launching SOON!

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The 5 Day Course Creation Challenge

You don't get paid for creating a course.  You get paid when launching it so let's get that knowledge out of your head and into a training for your clients and customers (both the ones you may have or new ones you are ready to serve)!

Inside, we'll show you how to:

  • ​Get paid for what you know so you can literally make money while you sleep for years to come🎯
  • Cleverly work around camera shyness so you can relax, look and sound confident and professional like the expert you are 🔐
  • ​Literally (with $0 to little budget) create and launch it like a pro...anyone--->even the shy, those dealing with imposter syndrome or the one who doesn't have all the business stuff figured out quite yet. WE ALL HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER!(Trust 💝)

Launching SOON!

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MY GIFT TO YOU: The Home-Front Hustle Roadmap

Click The Button Below And Give Me Your Best Email Address To Get <The Home-Front Hustle Roadmap> It's the ultimate GPS to help you accelerate your expertise, gifts, talents and hobbies into a successful online business.

Get To Know Toria Better

